LOL TONIGHT- Lebron sues Odell
Odell has been doing the infamous Lebron James chalk throw after scoring touchdowns, whether he means to throw imaginary chalk or shade, that doesn't matter. What does matter is Lebron isn't happy to see Odell mocking him in his town (Cleveland), and he's suing. Unfortunately for Odell, Lebron will probably win the case.
Lebron will be taking Odell before a Cleveland City judge on Friday, and it turns out that Lebron has patented his trademark move. "It is such a symbol to the game of basketball, and myself, that I can't have idiots like Odell out there clouding my name brand," Lebron said in a press conference where he announced this shocking news.
Odell fired right back an hour later with his own remarks. "Give me a patent number and I will actually see you there at the court room Friday."
Lebron tweeted it out, 1,235,241, and this patent doesn't need Lebrons face. So Odell has scrambled his lawyers together and we can expect quite a battle on Friday.
Odell's teammate, Victor Cruz (who himself is known for his signature salsa dancing), made remarks to reporters in the locker room. "I understand where both guys stand," said Cruz, "and personally, I think this whole thing is stupid. However, if Odell can't throw chalk, I will gladly let him use my salsa dancing since I don't score touchdowns anymore."
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